How It Works

Watch every step your near and dear ones takes live on your Computer

  • Location updated every 30 seconds

  • You can track the history of the path taken

  • View all alerts, SoS, and geofence notifications

Live Device Tracking on Computer

Get Device Details

All the details of your 9trax at your fingertips – Always

You would get the details of the 9trax device at the tip of your fingertips, including the history playback, where all the person visited, where have been the alerts from

  • Any time your kid reaches somewhere near a safe zone or any other areas you get immediate alert

  • Low battery on 9trax – it alerts you instantly

  • You can mark the safe zones like School, Tuition or other places where your kid is safe. Whenever your kid reaches a zone which is marked safe, you get an instant alert, and feel secure.

Get Low Battery Alerts

Get Location Alerts

Feature Phone? Never mind, you can still get the exact location just by sending an SMS

Even if you use a feature phone and don’t have a smartphone, don’t worry. An SMS would fetch you the exact current location of your near and dear ones, who are carrying the 9trax with them.

Get the Panic Button alerts on your Feature Phone too, no need to invest on a smartphone

Get SOS Alerts

Live Device Tracking on Smartphones

Watch every step your near and dear ones takes live on your Smartphone

  • Location updated every 30 seconds

  • You can track the history of the path taken